19/10/2023 16:06
Thực hiện kế hoạch hoạt động dự án “Quản lý thiên tai dựa vào cộng đồng hướng đến người khuyết tật, giai đoạn 1” do Tổ chức Bánh mì cho Thế giới tài trợ và nhằm nâng cao năng lực tổ chức, chỉ huy, điều hành cho Ban chỉ huy phòng chống thiên tai và tìm kiếm cứu nạn của các xã, Hội vì sự phát triển của người khuyết tật tỉnh Quảng Bình đã tổ chức 03 cuộc diễn tập phòng chống thiên tai và tìm kiếm cứu nạn tại các xã địa bàn dự án, bao gồm các xã Phúc Trạch, Hưng Trạch và Liên Trạch, huyện Bố Trạch, tỉnh Quảng Bình.

Hãy cùng chúng tôi nhìn lại các cuộc diễn tập qua bài viết dưới đây của bạn Bitisho - thực tập sinh đến từ Canada

LIÊN TRẠCH, HƯNG TRẠCH, PHÚC TRẠCH mock drills for climate resilience


Whether it was sunny skies or raining, citizens within each commune came out in numbers for their mock drills. Mock drills allow for the reaction team to put the skills they have been taught over the weeks when it comes to a climate disaster and put it to the test through scenarios that they will encounter. Liên Trạch, Hu’ng Trạch and Phúc Trạch rapid response team put their skills into action after weeks of preparation. The 3 drills that they were put through are: how to reinforce a home once having been notified of a storm, First Aid & CPR and water rescue. Each rapid response team is distinguished by their teal uniform and helmet.



Each of these skills is beneficial to the communes in the long term. Reinforcing homes allows for a higher likelihood of withstanding the storm as the roof  is weighed down so shingles do not go missing. Furthermore, the front doors of the homes are blocked off and nailed shut to ensure that they do not get removed from the hinges. In addition, it reduces the amount of water that enters the home. Having people trained in first aid allows for an intervention to be made that could be the key to shortening their recovery process as it is not always possible to seek out medical attention as soon as the injuries occur as they are located in rural areas. Water levels rise, and being able to conduct water rescue equipped allows the communes to be ready for the unprecedented water levels.



Each participant left with a handbook that guides them through the steps that should be taken as civilians when a storm strikes to protect themselves and their homes against the disaster.



The number of people who came out to support the mock drill, whether that be by being part of the response team or being a town citizen is amazing. It is proof of the dedication and investment that people have when it comes to their commune. Above all, the commune presidents accepted the intervention with an open mind and contributed by leading the efforts.




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